Friday, November 7, 2008

Pile on the Praise

If you want to drastically change the relationship between you and your child in a very short amount of time, shift your attention away from his shortcomings. ADHD kids are typically so accustom to hearing negative reinforcement all day long. Sometimes, the only attention these kids receive is in response to their negative behavior. Step in your child's shoes and consider how this must feel.

Consider the breath of fresh air an "Atta Boy" would be. Starting today, show more enthusiasm for his positive attributes and his good behavior and pay less attention to the negatives. Be his cheerleader. Believe in him. Offer kind words, a hug or special rewards for achievements. Smile at him in the morning. In the afternoon, tell him you are proud of him for [
insert good quality here].

After all, isn't this how we treat those who you want to nurture a relationship with and isn't that how we would like others to treat us?

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